
08:30 Coffee & registration

09:00 Welcome // Moderators & Mads Brandstrup, CEO Danske Medier 

09:05 Opening Speech – Data is Still Talk of the Town // Signe Skarequist, Ekstra Bladet

09:20 How Publishers can leverage 1st-party data // Tim DuBois, Google

09:50 Forecast ’22: What you need to know – and act upon // Daniel Knapp, IAB Europe, 

10:10 Demystifying 1st Party – How to start and benefit now // Andreas Sierts, Adform

10:30 Networking break

Main stage, Pressen

10:50 CTV is for everyone // Rebecca Ackers, Magnite

Breakout sessions

10:50 Shared Campaign Identifier – SCID // Pierre Gauthier, Channel Factory

11:10 Trends in Programmatic audio // Rob Timony, Bauer Media Audio

11:10 Unravelling the Digital Supply Chain and its Environmental Sustainability // Andrew Hayward-Wright, SeenThis

11:30 Video Header Bidding – Challenges and Oppurtunities // Igor Damic, BRID.TV

11:30 Supply Path Optimization // Björn Lindholm, Integral Ad Science

11:50 Panel: Programmatic audio & CTV // Rebecca Ackers, Magnite; Rob Timony, Bauer Media Audio

11:50 Developing with Prebid: The Evolution and Future of Prebid // Ronny Linder, Relevant Digital  

12:10 Lunch

Main stage, Pressen

12:40 Marketing without third-party cookies // Rob Webster, Canton Marketing Solutions

Breakout sessions

12:40 Measurement for Anonymised Web // Søren Dinesen, Digiseg

13:00 Publisher issues in a post third-party cookie world // Joanna Burton, ID5

13:20 Building a future-proof privacy-centric advertising ecosystem // Thomas Lue Lytzen, Ekstra Bladet

13:40 Pressing the Programmatic Reset Button // Karan Singh, Xandr

14:00 Panel: Marketing in a post-cookie world //
Rob Webster, Canton Marketing; Joanna Burton, ID5; Thomas Lue Lytzen, Ekstra Bladet; Karan Singh, Xandr

13:00 Cross-Media Measurement // Amalie Schjønning, AudienceProject

14:15 Networking break

Main stage

14:30 Publisher Platform // Signe Skarequist, Ekstra Bladet; Kenneth Madsen, Berlingske Media

14:50 Monetizing mobile inventory in a cookie-free world // Alexander Qvitzau Lund, Upday (Axel Springer)

15:10 The Impact of Viewability on Ad Revenue // Loïc Pagny, Pubstack

15:30 The future of personalization // Rune Seebach, Facebook

16:00 Thank you for joining & drinks by Nexta

17:00 Venue closes

Drinks & dinner

17:00 Bar
18:30 Restaurant dAdA
19:00 Dinner // welcome by Allan Sørensen


Programmatic 2021 is now sold out. Waiting list and dinner reservations: Conference manager Allan Sørensen,

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