IABs Programmatic Conference on 28th November 2019 is Scandinavia’s most important conference specialized on programmatic advertising. Get inspired by the latest trends and hot topics in the tech and advertising industry. Join hundreds of programmatic specialists in Copenhagen and hang out at the great dinner & after party.


8:30 Registration and coffee

9:00 Welcome to IAB Denmark’s Programmatic Conference 2019
Hosts: Katie Blair, Xandr and Jacob Lachmann, Industry Expert

9:05 Introduction by JP/Politikens Hus
Dorthe Bjerregaard Knudsen, VP, JP/Politikens Hus

9:15 Trends, Attitudes and Growth Drivers in the European Programmatic Market
Simon Halstead, Verizon Media, IAB Europe Programmatic Trading Committee

9:30 The programmatic Market Trends in Perspective
Simon Halstead, Verizon Media (moderator); Stephen Wing, Rubicon Project; Rune Werliin, AudienceProject; and Stevan Randjelovic, GroupM

9:50 Keynote: The Ozone Project – Solving Market Issues Through Collaboration & Shared Technology
Franz Etten, Head of Product at The Ozone Project

10:20 Break

10:35 IAB Transparency & Consent Framework v2.0
Allan Sørensen, IAB Danmark (moderator); Emanuele Ventrellar (IAB Europe); Matthias Matthiesen (Quantcast), Stevan Randjelovic (GroupM); and Christian Stavik (Berlingske Media)

11:00 In-Housing Decathlon from an Advertiser’s Viewpoint
Michael Stein, Semler Mobility, marketing responsible for SEAT, ŠKODA, Audi & Volkswagen

11:20 1st Party Data Strategy between Advertisers and Publishers
Carsten Hyldahl, Founder, unum.ai

11:40 Taking TV Advertising to the Next Level – Through Targeting and Data
Christian Godske, Head of Commercial Product Development, TV2 Denmark

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Keynote: Cutting through The Hype – 10 Forces that really shape Digital Advertising
Daniel Knapp, Chief Economist, IAB Europe 
Simon Halstead, Verizon Media, IAB Europe Programmatic Trading Committee

13:00 What is the Cost of bad CMP Implementation on your Advertising Revenues?
Loïc Sfiligoï, Co-founder of Pubstack

13:15 How to use Cookie Free Audience Data
Søren Dinesen, CEO, Digiseg

13:30 Break

13:45 The Evolution of Media & Advertising
Daniel Clayman, VP, Xandr

14:05 Experiments & Incrementality in Programmatic Media Buying
Anders Kjærbøll, Digital Strategy Lead at Business Science, GroupM

14:25 Is the Reign over for the Cookie Monster?
Luke Fenney, Vice President, Publisher Sales, International, IndexExchange

14:45 Is Data Dead? Apple Killed the Cookie And What Are We Going to Do?
Thomas Lue Lytzen, Head of Product Development & Insights, JP/Politikens Hus and Kasper Worm-Petersen, Head of Strategy, Ekstra Bladet

15:00 How to Succeed in Programmatic Native as a Publisher and Advertiser
Frederik Bidstrup, Verizon Media’s Programmatic Native Platform in the Netherlands and the Nordics

15:15 Break

15:30 Keynote: Technology, Humanity – and the Future of Media
Gerd Leonhard, Futurist, Humanist, Author of ‘Technology vs. Humanity’, CEO The Futures Agency

16:10 Making the Most of a Digital Moment
Troels Ringsted, Senior Research Manager at Ryot Studio, Verizon Media

16:30 The Big Programmatic Quiz
Daniel Weilar, Primetime

17:00 Closing & Drinks

19:00 Dinner (registration needed) + late night after party

Pressen, JP Politikens Hus
Rådhuspladsen 37
DK-1785 Copenhagen

Programmatic Conference 2019 is sponsored by