About IAB Danmark

IAB Danmark advocates the interests of the digital advertising business as part of the leading worldwide IAB-organization with approx. 250 member companies in Denmark and 5.500 in Europe covering digital media, agencies, advertisers, and ad tech providers. 

IAB provides standards and guidelines in order to develop and ease the trading of digital advertising, while working to make the legal framework compliant with the sector’s needs, both in Denmark and Europe. 

IAB Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF)

IAB Europe provides industry standards for handling cookie consent and management of personal data used for digital advertising: Read more here.


Members are invited to attend events organized by Danske Medier and IAB Danmark at reduced rates.

Task forces 

The online advertising industry is constantly developing, and as soon as a new field sprouts or there are mayor market changes, we gather experts from essential stakeholders among our members and compile guidelines and standards, organise events or initiate other necessary activities. 

Public affairs

Public affairs are a essential activity for IAB and we have close relations with authorities, policy makers and organisations in Denmark and in Bruxelles. We always seek to include our members as much as possible in the dialogue.


Members may seek advice from our legal consultants. We welcome everyone to reach out to us for a casual conversation about what IAB Denmark and Danske Medier can help your business accomplish. 


IAB Danmark
Mediernes Hus
Kalkbrænderiløbskaj 4
2100 København Ø
+45 33974000